February 26, 2009 by

How I know # 4


On the way, somehow, we feel that we are kind happy a little bit.  Suddenly, we saw the UN’s flag on the roof of a house that made from palm leaves. It has barb wire fence around it.  The truck went through the gate and past a security check point which is serviced by Thai army. The truck continues moving on to the middle of the camp, and then dropped all the people and drove away without informing us anything.


At this time we all put our carried belongs down sat down like other families. I look around I saw houses are being built. They look similar, and the only different is the sizes. I kept on looking around and I saw a flag with the Red Cross sign, then I noticed that it must be a hospital.  Around where we sit there are small gray bushes everywhere. It causes wondering and confusion at the same time.


Later small Jeep and a few trucks drove toward us. The big trucks are filled with blue tap and other truck with the bamboo.  When the Jeep stopped a white man get off, accompanied by a translator, making announcement. He spoke to us through a microphone loudly. He told us to form the groups. Each group must have 10 families. Then they give ticket to get the food and

Supplies we need for immediate need. They are blanket, pot, plate, spoon and some food. Then they ask us to get the blue tap, bamboo and roofing supplies. We were told to build hut. They said, women take the light job and all the men need to take the heavy job.  Many men start to build huts. We start build a hut from the bamboo tree. That day we built every thing accepts the roof.  We can not finish because it getting dark. We just placed the blue tap on roof temporary for a night.


We stop and get all gathered to eat dinner that prepared by women. Now we go to sleep under blue roof and on the top of the grass.

               Will continues next.

Thanks for sharing your life story. This brings back my memory in the refugee camp.
I have read horrible stories of how the Thai government treated the refugees.Being a refugee myself in Thailand. But under my case, we got better treatmentbecause we were the first wave of refugees after the fall of our country. Also I thinkbecause of the United States present in Thailand. I still g...View More