#008000 size=4To My Dear Child,

#008000Remember my child.

#008000I see your heart.

#008000I see your good deeds.

#008000I see your tears of joy.

#008000I see your tears of pain.

#008000I see your faithfulness.

#008000I see your love.

#008000Remember, my child.

#008000I am with you, in times of darkness,

#008000in times of light.

#008000In my loving arms, I hold you.

#008000In my loving arms, I protect you.

#008000I'll be there for you,

#008000til' the end of time.


#008000 size=1Your Savior, Your God

Often times when things go well we tend to forget that he is there.

A nice encouraging poem.

#800000That's true.  And often times, a person forgets Him completely...like He never exists when everything seems so smooth and mellow in his/her life.Â