#000000 size=2I can’t take back the years

#000000 size=2Better or worse, my mark has been made

#000000 size=2I can’t change my fatherly lessons

#000000 size=2The student has heard the good and the bad

#ff6600 size=2 

#ff6600 size=2I can make the most of the years to come

#ff6600 size=2Encouraging my son to make his best mark

#ff6600 size=2I can impress on him that he is now the father

#ff6600 size=2It is now his turn to leave a new mark


#0000ff size=2The heavenly Father sees the past and future

#0000ff size=2There is only the best in His master plan

#0000ff size=2No need to change or modify

#0000ff size=2There is no shadow of turning with Him

 poetic inspiration credited to Blue777

Cool! Blue777 wrote that for you?


Cool! Blue777 wrote that for you?

No.... I did not write that for him. I just gave him some ideas that's all.

Short and meaning full.


 I'm being credited?


Short and meaning full.


 I'm being credited?

 poetic inspiration credited to Blue777