The bible states that, "God is a jealous God that you shall have no other God besides me." But it is also states that Love is not jealous in describing Love. So, you know what incoming next, If God is Love and Love is not jealous, what is the point? Do you see the contradiction? But Jesus also mentions, "You cannot serve two masters. Either you love one or hate the other one. You cannot serve God and Money." And so God is right! God is Love and He wants you to serve Him only shall you serve.

Now the real issue, many people struggle in relationship because of they are or someone is jealous over other wife, husband, boyfriend and girlfriend or personal possessions. I know it is easy to say this "You should  stay away  from  other's personal belonging or what is not yours" But is hard to do. Because you have to go through the phsycylogical emotions, feelings and thoughts of yours. And sometimes you take actions which lead to sin. It is common throughout history and even the scripture. For example, King David and Barsheeba relationship. King Saul and King  David. Tum and Teav and MacTheourng. And even the movie Tatanic and etc. That is why Jesus teaches about marriage and adultery and  the covet laws about "If someone take your coat and also give away(I forgot this verse)etc."

Though all and all, if these things are in your life right now, please do let your emotions, feelings, thoughts or actions lead to sin. If you have already sin against these things(jealous), please repent, pray and overcome them. Because like the spirit of the seven churchs and bride is to repent and overcome. Thank you and peace be with you!

Last update on January 17, 2:42 am by Amra . អាំរ៉ា.

I think you understood it already.

If God is love and love is not jealous, it is a perfect kind of love.  There is no contradiction in it because God demontrates His righteous love for us.  Another point:  In other scripture says, you can be angry so long your anger won't lead you into sin.  If you're angry with good reasons then clearly, there is righteous anger.

When God made this covenant with the Israelites He wanted to remind them that there should be no other gods before ME (Ex. 20: 5).  Clearly God points this out that they should only serve Him. 

2Cor. 11:2, speaks of betrothed kind of love, concerning their faith of the ungodly.  This jealousy pertains to the love of the world more than the love of God.  Often times, we fall into worldy posessions, relationship, marriage, lifestyle, covet other greeds and what have you, God will be a consuming fire (Deut. 4: 24), when we betray our love for Him.  He has the right to be jealous.

Point to ponder:  God also a jealous God when He created us He made each one of us His children.  When His children grew up and disowned Him, how would He feels?