March 9, 2012 by
  របៀបសិក្សាព្រះគម្ពីរបរិសុទ្ធ ភាគទី២ ព្រះបន្ទូលមានប្ញទ្ធិអំណាច ខ្លាំងក្លាឥតឧបមា ព្រោះព្រះបន្ទូលនោះជាព្រះ។ ព្រះបន្ទូល ក្នុងព្រះគម្ពីរមានអំណាចដូចតទៅ 1.   អាចធ្វើឱយមនុស្សមិនជឿទៅជាជឿ គ្មានមនុស្សណាម្នាក់កើតមកជាគ្រិស្ទានទេ មនុស្សបានជឿ ដោយសារឮព្រះបន្ទូល។ (ពេត្រុសទី១ 1៖22-25, ធីម៉ូថេទី២ 3៖15, រ៉ូម 1៖16) 2.   អាចតយុទ្ធជាមួយអំពើបាប  មនុស្សដែលចេះយល់ និងអនុវត្តព្រះបន្ទូលអាចជៀស វាងអំពើបាបបាន ដោយយល់និងខ្លាច អំពីផលវិបាករបស់វា។ (ទំនុកដម្កើង 119៖9-11)។ 3.   អាចចម្រើនចំណេះដឹង ខាងព្រលឹងវិញ្ញាណ  អានព្រះគម្ពីរកាន់តែច្រើន កាន់ចម្រើន កាន់តែមានកម្លាំង ផ្នែកសេចក្តីជំនឿ និងព្រលឹងវិញ្ញាណ (ពេត្រុសទី១ 2៖2-3, យ៉ូហាន 6៖63 4.   អាចឆ្លុះបញ្ចាំងឃើញច្បាស់ ពីចិត្តខាងក្នុង របស់មនុស្ស មនុស្សមិនបានដឹង ថាខ្លួនបានធ្វើបាប រហូតដល់ព្រះបន្ទូលចូលដល់ក្នុងចិត្ត (ហេព្រើ 4៖12) 5.   អាចបំពត់មនុស្សឱយដូចជាអង្គ ព្រះយេស៊ូវ  មនុស្សមិនអាចទៅជាព្រះបានទេ ប៉ុន្តែអាចធ្វើល្អ ដូចជាព្រះបាន ព្រោះព្រះមិនដែលបានដាក់ ក្រិតវិន័យណា ដែល មនុស្សធ្វើមិនបាននោះទេ។ (យ៉ាកុប 1៖22-25, កូរិនថូសទី២ 3៖18,   កូលុស 3៖9-10)។ ប៉ុន្តែទោះជាល្អយ៉ាងណាក៏ដោយ ក៏មិនអាចល្អឥតខ្ចោះចំពោះភ្នែក មនុស្សមានបាបបានឡើយ។ ព្រះយេស៊ូវ ទ្រង់ជាព្រះ ទ្រង់ល្អ បរិសុទ្ធ ឥតខ្ចោះ តែមនុស្សជាច្រើន បានលើកដុំថ្មឡើងចោលទ្រង់។ ដូច្នេះព្រះបន្ទូលក្នុងព្រះគម្ពីរមានអំណាច បំផ្លាស់បំប្រែ ជីវិតមនុស្សជាថ្មី។ គ្មានសៀវភៅ ដទៃណា ឱយដូចព្រះគម្ពីរឡើយ។ ដើម្បីរក្សាអំណាចព្រះបន្ទូល ព្រះគម្ពីរត្រូវតែបកស្រាយ ឱយបានត្រឹមត្រូវបំផុតដែលអាចធ្វើបាន។ ការបកស្រាយ ហើយយល់ព្រះបន្ទូលឱយបានត្រឹមត្រូវ ជាការសំខាន់ សម្រាប់អ្នកជា គ្រិស្ទាន ព្រោះថា បើកាលណា បកស្រាយ ឬយល់ព្រះបន្ទូលខុស នោះអាចនាំឱយ បង្រៀនខុស អនុវត្តខុស ហើយអាចបង្កើតឲ្យមានការជជែកគ្នា អាចនាំឱយបែកបាក់ចេញ ជានិកាយ ផ្សេងៗពីគ្នា ដែលអាចបែកចេញ ជានិកាយខុសឆ្គង ហើយដែលអាចនាំឲ្យ មានគ្រោះថ្នាក់ ដល់ជីវិត អស់កល្បរបស់យើងផង ក៏ថាបាន។ ដូច្នេះការកាត់ស្រាយ យល់ព្រះ បន្ទូលត្រូវឲ្យប្រយ័ត្នមែនទែន។ ដូច្នេះហើយបានជាខ្ញុំ ខំរៀបចំមេរៀននេះឡើង ដើម្បីជា ជំនួយតិចតួច ដើម្បីជៀសវាងនូវ កំហុសខ្លះក្នុងការកាត់ស្រាយ យល់ព្រះបន្ទូល។ មេរៀននេះ ខ្ញុំបានដកស្រង់នូវរបៀប និងគោលសំខាន់ៗ ខ្លះៗ  ចេញពីសៀវភៅ ជំនួយមួយ គឺ វិធីសាស្ត្រ សិក្សា ព្រះគម្ពីរ និងវិធាននៃការកាត់ស្រាយ របស់លោក Dennis J. Mock ។ របៀបសិក្សាព្រះគម្ពីរ៖ ដើម្បីសម្រួលក្នុងការសិក្សា គួរតែអានព្រះគម្ពីរឱយបានចប់ជាមុនសិន។ របៀបសិក្សាមាន ៤ដំណាក់ការ៖ 1.   ត្រូវអានបត្ថបទ ព្រះគម្ពីរដែលត្រូវសិក្សា ដោយប្រយ័ត្ន 2.   ត្រួតពិនិត្យអត្ថបទ ឱយបានច្បាស់លាស់  ដោយប្រើសំណួរ តើអត្ថបទនេះ និយាយថាម៉េច? បើនៅមិនទាន់យល់ច្បាស់ទេ ត្រូវអានសារឡើងវិញ ឬបើ ចាំបាច់ត្រូវអានផ្នែកមុន និងក្រោយ អត្ថបទដែលត្រូវសិក្សា ឱយទាល់តែបាន យល់ច្បាស់ តើ ចង់និយាយ ថាម៉េច។ ឧទាហណ៍ ក្នុងគម្ពីរ ម៉ាថាយ 18៖8 និយាយថា៖ ៨ បើ​សិន​ជា​ដៃ ឬ​ជើង​អ្នក នាំ​ឲ្យ​គេ​រវាត​ចិត្ត (ក្នុង NIV និយាយថា បើដៃជើង អ្នក នាំឱយអ្នកធ្វើបាប) នោះ​ចូរ​កាត់​ចោល​ទៅ ស៊ូ​ឲ្យ​អ្នក​ចូល​ទៅ​ក្នុង​ជីវិត​កំបុត​ដៃ​ជើង​វិញ ជា​ជាង​មាន​ដៃ​ជើង​ទាំង​២ នឹង​ត្រូវ​បោះ​ទៅ​ក្នុង​ភ្លើង ដែល​ឆេះ​នៅ​អស់​កល្ប​ជានិច្ច។ 3.   ការបកស្រាយអត្ថន័យនៃអត្ថបទ តើព្រះបន្ទូលនេះមានន័យដូចម្តេច? ចង់មានន័យ ថាដូចម្តេច? ចង់និយាយអំពីអ្វី? a.   ន័យត្រង់_ បើអត្ថបទនោះមានន័យគ្រប់គ្រាន់ មិនមានខ្ទាស់និង ការពិតទេ នោះត្រូវបកស្រាយតាមន័យនោះតែម្តង មិនត្រូវបន្ថែម ឬបន្ថយអ្វី ឡើយ។ ឧទាហរណ៍ ក្នុងគម្ពីរ លោកុប្បត្តិ 3៖7 "នោះស្រាប់តែភ្នែករបស់អ្នកទាំង២ បានភ្លឺឡើង..." ភ្នែកនៅទីនេះ គឺសំដៅយក ភ្នែកចិត្ត ឬភ្នែករបស់ឆន្ទ: ដែល យល់ ឬដឺងខុស ឬត្រូវ។ ព្រះទ្រង់មិនបានបង្កើតមនុស្សមក ខ្វាក់នោះទេ។ b.   កុំសន្មត ឬស្មានព្រះបន្ទូលឡើយ ឧទាហរណ៍ ក្នុងគម្ពីរ ម៉ាថាយ ជំពូក2 គ្រិស្ទានមួយចំនួនធំ ដឹងថាមានហោរា ៣នាក់មកពីទិសខាងកើត ប៉ុន្តែ គ្មាន ព្រះគម្ពីរណាមួយបញ្ជាក់ពីចំនួន នោះសោះ។ c.   ជាច្រើនដង ព្រះបន្ទូលមានន័យ ខុសពីពាក្យដែលព្រះគម្ពីរបានសរសេរ ដូចជា ឧទាហណ៍ ក្នុងគម្ពីរ ម៉ាថាយ 18៖8 ខាងលើ បានសរសេរថា ឱយ កាត់ដៃ កាត់ជើងមែន តែព្រះបន្ទូលមិនមានន័យដូច្នោះទេ គឺគ្រាន់ជាពាក្យ ប្រដូច ពន្យល់ប៉ុណ្ណោះ។ ដៃជើងជាអវយវ ដ៏សំខាន់ណាស់សំរាប់រូបកាយ ជាសាច់ ឈាម ដូច្នេះព្រះបន្ទូលនេះ មានន័យថា ទោះតែអី្វណាដែលសំខាន់ សម្រាប់រូប សាច់ តែបើវានាំឱ្យ ព្រលឹងធ្លាក់ទៅក្នុងនរក មិនបានសង្រ្គោះ នោះត្រូវ ឱ្យកាត់ អ្វីនោះ ចោលចេញ ត្បិតការ ដែលព្រលឹងបានសង្គ្រោះ ពីបឹងភ្លើង នោះ សំខាន់លើសជាង គឺមិនមែន និយាយអំពីកាត់ដៃជើងពិត ដែលជាអវយវ មែនទែននោះទេ។ អត្ថបទព្រះគម្ពីរ ដែលបកស្រាយខុស នោះមិនមែនជាព្រះបន្ទូលទេ ។ 4.   ការអនុវត្តព្រះបន្ទូល. a.   ដំណាក់ការទី៣ ការបកស្រាយព្រះគម្ពីរ ជាការសំខាន់ ព្រោះបើបកស្រាយ ខុស ការអនុវត្តក៏ខុសដែរ។ b.   រៀនព្រះបន្ទូលដើម្បី យកទៅអនុវត្ត ប្រើក្នុងជីវិតរស់នៅ ប្រចាំថ្ងៃ របស់យើង បើចេះព្រះបន្ទូលហើយ មិនយកទៅអនុវត្តទេ នោះជាការឥតប្រយោជន៍ ទទេ។ គ្មានមនុស្សណាម្នាក់ អាចយល់ព្រះគម្ពីរទាំងមូលបានទេ មានកន្លែងច្រើនណាស់ ក្នុង ព្រះគម្ពីរ ដែលមនុស្សមិនយល់។ ប៉ុន្តែផ្នែកគម្ពីរទាំងនោះ មិនជាសំខាន់ សំរាប់ព្រះ បន្ទូលសន្យា ឬព្រះបន្ទូលស្តីអំពីការស្តាប់បង្គាប់ ឬស្តីពីសេចក្តីសង្គ្រោះនោះទេ ខ្ញុំចង់ និយាយថា គ្រប់ទាំងព្រះបន្ទូលសន្យា ឬស្តីអំពីការស្តាប់បង្គាប់ ឬព្រះបន្ទូលស្តីអំពី សេចក្តីសង្គ្រោះ នោះងាយ ស្រួលយល់ទេ។ ព្រះបន្ទូលមួយចំនួនទៀត ព្រះបានដាក់មកដើម្បី ឱ្យយើងគ្រាន់តែបានដឹង មិនមែន សំរាប់ ឱ្យយើងយល់នោះទេ ជាពិសេសទំនាយ ក្នុងគម្ពីរវិវរណ គឺសំរាប់រហូតដល់ពេលនោះ មកដល់ ទើបយើងអាចយល់បាន ដូច្នោះបានជាយើងឃើញថា គ្រូ១០០នាក់ បកស្រាយ ខុសគ្នាទាំង១០០ អំពីំគម្ពីរវិវរណនេះ ព្រោះយើងមិនយល់ យើងប្រើបានតែមតិ យោបល់ របស់មនុស្ស។ ប៉ុន្តែខុស ឬត្រូវក្តី មិនបានធ្វើឱ្យប៉ះពាល់ ដល់សេចក្តីសង្គ្រោះ របស់យើង ទាល់តែសោះ ព្រះទ្រង់បានមានបន្ទូលថា ត្រូវឱ្យយើងចាំយាម ក្នុងសេចក្តីជំនឿតែប៉ុណ្ណោះ។ ទាំងអស់នេះគ្រាន់តែជាសេចក្តីសង្ខេប យ៉ងតិចតួច ក្នុងការសិក្សាព្រះគម្ពីរប៉ុណ្ណោះ។ សូម ព្រះវិញ្ញាណបរិសុទ្ធ បានបំពេញបន្ថែមទៀត នៅពេលបងប្អូនសិក្សាព្រះគម្ពីរ ដោយសេចក្តី អធិស្ឋាន។ បើបងប្អូនចង់មានសំនួរ បន្ថែមសូមទាក់ទងតាមរយ email: or Skype name Meng Top. ខ្ញុំសូមបញ្ជាក់ថា ខ្ញុំមិនមែនជាគ្រូទេ គ្រាន់តែជាអ្នកបំរើ តាមអំណោយទានដែលទ្រង់បានប្រទានមកប៉ុណ្ណោះ។ Thank you for your reading these articles សូមព្រះទ្រង់ប្រទានពរ!              

August 21, 2012 by
                                                                                                              កំណើតនៃភាសាទីទៃពីគ្នា ក្រោយពីទូក របស់លោកណូអេ បានកឿងទើ នៅលើភ្នំអារ៉ារ៉ាត ហើយទឹកជំនន់ ក៏បាន ស្រកចុះ ស្ងួតដីហើយ ព្រះក៏បានប្រាប់ លោកណូអេ ឱយចេញពីទូក ហើយទ្រង់បានតាំង សញ្ញានឹង លោក ណូអេ ថា ទ្រង់នឹងមិនសម្លាប់ ពូជមនុស្ស ដោយទឹកជំនន់ ទៀតទេ ដោយ មានដាក់ ឥន្ធនូ នៅលើមេឃ ជាសេចក្តីសញ្ញា គឺជាសេចក្ដីសន្យា ដោយមានសញ្ញា ជាភ័ក្ដុតាង។ លើសពីនេះ ព្រះទ្រង់បានអនុញ្ញាតិ ឱយមនុស្ស អាចទទួលទាន សាច់សត្វ ជាអាហារបាន បន្ថែមលើ ត្រួយតិណជាតិ តែទ្រង់បានហាមមនុស្ស មិនឱយ ទទួលទាន សាច់ឆៅ ដែលនៅ មានឈាមជាអាហារទេ និងហាមដាច់ខាត មិនឱយសម្លាប់មនុស្ស អ្នកណាបំពាន ត្រូវមាន ទោស។ គ្រួសារ លោកណូអេ ក៏បានបង្កើតកូន ពូនជាចៅ កាន់តែច្រើនឡើងៗ ហើយប្រាជ្ញា ឆ្លៀសវៃ របស់គេ ក៏កាន់តែចម្រើនឡើងដែរ គឺគេចេះ ដុតដី ឱយទៅជា ឥត និងលាយ បាយអរ ធ្វើជាសំណង់ផ្សេងៗ។ ថ្ងៃមួយគេ បានបបួលគា្ន ដើម្បីសង់ប៉ម ប្រាសាទមួយ អំពីឥតដុត ដែលមានថ្នាក់ ជណ្ដើរ ខ្ពស់ដល់ផ្ទៃមេឃ (ប្ញស្ថានសួគ៍៑) ដើម្បីកេរ្ដ៍ឈ្មោះល្បី របស់គេ និង ម្យ៉ាងទៀត គេគិតស្មាន ថាគេអាចឡើងទៅ សា្ថនសួគ៍ បានដោយប៉ម ដ៏ខ្ពស់នោះ ដោយពឹងអាង លើបា្រជ្ញារបស់គេ។ ប៉ុន្ដែព្រះទ្រង់ បានយល់ច្បាស់ ពីគំនិតអំនួត បះបោរ របស់មនុស្ស ទ្រង់ក៏យាងចុះមក បំបែក ភាសាគេ ដើម្បីមិនឱយ គេយល់ស្ដាប់ គ្នាបាន តទៅទៀត ដើម្បីបញ្ឈប់ ទង្វើបាប ដ៏ល្ងីល្ងើរបស់គេ  ព្រោះព្រះទ្រង់ ដឺងប្រាកដ ច្បាស់ណាស់ថា ស្ថានសួគ៍ មិនអាច ទៅបាន ដោយកម្លាំង ប្រាជ្ញា របស់មនុស្សបាន ឡើយ។ មិន តែប៉ុណ្ណោះ ទ្រង់ថែមទាំង បាន កំចាត់កំចាយគេ ទៅគ្រប់ទី កន្លែង នៅលើផែន ដីទៀតផង។ ដូច្នេះហើយ បានជាមនុស្ស មានជាតិសាសន៎ និងភាសា ផ្សេងៗពីគ្នា តាំងពីពេលនោះមក។ មេរៀនសង្ខេបអំពីព្រះគម្ពីរលោកុប្បតិ្ដ៖ អត្ដន័យនៃពាក្យ លោកុប្បតិ្ដ លោកុប្បតិ្ដ = លោក (លោកិយ) + ឧប្បតិ្ដ (កំណើត ឬ ការបង្កើត) ដូច្នេះពាក្យ លោកុប្បតិ្ដ មានន័យថា ការបង្ករបង្កើតលោកិយ៎។ ដើម្បីឱយងាយយល់ ហើយស្រួលចងចាំ ព្រះគម្ពីរ លោកុប្បតិ្ដ អាចចែកចេញជា ប្រាំបីផ្នែក គឺ៤ ជាព្រឹត្ដការណ៍ និង ៤ទៀត ជាជីវប្រវត្តរបស់ មនុស្ស៤រូប។ -       ៤ផ្នែកដំបូង ជាព្រឹត្ដិការណ៍ ដែលបានកើតឡើង មុនសម័យ ប្រវត្ដិសាស្រ្ដ របស់មនុស្ស គឺមុនការចេះដឹង កំណត់ត្រា របស់មនុស្ស។ -       ៤ផ្នែកក្រោយគឺ ជាប្រវត្ដ ចាប់ផ្តើម របស់ជនជាតិ សាសន៎អ៊ីស្រាអែល ប្រហែលជា ក្នុង កំឡុងឆ្នាំ ២០០០ មុន គ.ស  នៅពេល ព្រះបាន ត្រាស់ហៅ លោក អ័ប្រាហាំ។ ដូច្នេះ មកដល់ មេរៀននេះ ខ្ញុំបានជំរាបជូន បងប្អូន បាន៤ផ្នែក ដំបូងនៃព្រះគម្ពីរ លោកុប្បតិ្ដ ហើយ គឺព្រិត្ដិការណ៍ សំខាន់ៗ ទាំង៤ គឺ៖ ១. ការបង្ករបង្កើត. គឺព្រះទ្រង់ សព្វព្រះហឬទ័យ ឱយមនុស្ស បានដឹងពីប្រភព កំណើតរបស់ ខ្លួន គឺព្រះទ្រង់ បានបង្កើត មនុស្ស ឱយមាន ព្រលឹងវិញ្ញាណ ដូចជា អង្គទ្រង់ ដោយសា្ន ព្រះហស្ថ ទ្រង់ផ្ទាល់ ហើយទ្រង់ ក៏បានបង្កើត របស់ សព្វសារពើរ ដទៃទៀត សំរាប់មនុស្ស ទៀតផង។ ២. អំពើបាប.   អំពើបាបនេះ គឺបណ្ដាលមក ពីការមិនស្ដាប់បង្គាប់ព្រះ ដោយមនុស្សស្ដាប់ និង ជឿអារក្សជាជាងព្រះ ដើម្បីប្រយោជន៍ ផ្ទាល់ខ្លួន គឺឱយបាន ភ្នែកប្រាជ្ញា ខ្លួនភឺ្ល ដែលបណ្ដាល ឱយមនុស្ស ទទួលមហន្ដរាយ ដល់ជីវិត គឺមនុស្ស ត្រូវដាច់ចេញ លែងស្គាល់ព្រះ ហើយ ត្រូវស្លាប់។ មេរៀននេះ ព្រះសព្វ ព្រះហឬទ័យ ចង់ឱយមនុស្ស បានយល់ ស្គាល់ពីបញ្ហា របស់ខ្លួន ថាហេតុដូចម្ដេច បានជាត្រូវស្លាប់ ហើយ  គ្មានផ្លូវណា ជួយខ្លួនឯង បានឡើយ។ ៣. ទឹកជំនន់. ការប្រព្រឹត្ដ អំពើបាប ដែលបណ្ដាល ឱយព្រះ ទ្រង់ខ្ញាល់ ខឹងនឹង អំពើបាប ព្រោះព្រះ ទ្រង់ បរិសុទ្ធ ទ្រង់មិនអាច ទ្រាំទ្រ នឹងអំពើបាប បាន គឺអំពើបាប ត្រូវតែ ទទួលទោស គឺសេចក្ដីស្លាប់។ សំខាន់ជាងនេះ ទៅទៀត រឿងទឹកជំនន់ បានបង្រៀន មនុស្សឱយ យល់ពីផ្លូវ នៃសេចក្ដីសង្រ្គោះ គឺជំនឿ ទុកចិត្ដទៅលើព្រះ ដែលទ្រង់បាន ប្រាប់យ៉ាង ហ្មត់ចត់ ពីមធ្យោ បាយ ដែលត្រូវធ្វើ ដើម្បីឱយបាន សេចក្ដីសង្គ្រោះ សព្វថ្ងៃនេះគឺយើង ត្រូវជឿទុកចិត្ដ ទៅលើ ព្រះយេស៊ូវគ្រិស្ទ ជាព្រះ អង្គសង្គ្រោះ ដោយគ្មានព្រះ ឬ ផ្លូវដទៃ ណាទៀត អាចជួយមនុស្ស ឱយរួចពីបាប បានឡើយ។ ៤. ការបំបែកភាសា. រឿងនេះ បានបង្រៀន យើងថា ក្រោយពី បានសង្រ្គោះ ពីទឹកជំនន់ ហើយ មនុស្ស នៅតែមានបាប ហើយបានបន្ដរ អំពើបាប របស់ខ្លួន អំនួត ដោយប្រាជ្ញារបស់គេ គឺ គេចេះដុតឥត ជំនួសថ្ម ដោយមិនបាច់ ប្រើថ្ម (ជារបស់ព្រះ បង្កើត) ទៀតទេ គេអាច សង់វិមាន ដ៏ខ្ពស់ ដោយគិតថា គេអាច ឡើងទៅស្ថានសួគ៍ ដោយអាង ដំរេះបា្រជ្ញា ខ្លួនឯង ដោយមិន អាងជំនឿទៅលើព្រះ នេះជាបញ្ហា របស់មនុស្ស ដែលមានបន្តរ រហូតមកដល់សព្វថ្ងៃនេះ។ មនុស្សសព្វថ្ងៃ គេក៏កំពុង បញ្ចេញអំនួត ដាក់គ្នា អំពី តំរិះ ប្រាជ្ញរបស់គេ គឺគេខំ បង្កើត គ្រឿង វិទ្យាសាស្ដ្រនានា ដូចជា គ្រឿងយន្ដ, គ្រឿងសំណង់, គ្រឿងចក្រ, គ្រឿងអាវុធ ប្រល័យលោក គ្រប់បែបយ៉ាង តែគេហាក់ដូចជាភ្លេចថា សេចក្ដីស្លាប់ ដែលនៅ ជិតបង្កើយ នឹងគេសោះ។ មិនតែប៉ុណ្ណោះ មនុស្សក៏ខំប្រឹង អំពីដំណើរ ទៅស្ថានសួគ៍ ដោយខ្លួនឯងដែរ គឹគេខំសង់ ឆ្លាក់រូបព្រះធំៗ ដោយរបស់ មានតម្លៃផ្សេងៗ ដូចជាស, ប្រាក់, ត្បូងគុជ ជាដើម ហើយដុត ធូបថ្វាយបង្គំ។ ចំណែកឯខាង វិទ្យាសាស្រ្តវិញ គេខំស្រាវជ្រាវ ធ្វើយាន្ត អាវកាស ដើម្បីទៅនៅ ភពដទៃ តែទោះជា យ៉ាងណា ក៏គេជៀស មិនរួចពី សេចកី្ដសា្លប់ ដែរ។ ថ្វីត្បិតតែ ព្រះទ្រង់ ស្រឡាញ់ មនុស្សលោក ដល់ម្លេះ ទ្រង់សព្វ ព្រះហឬទ័យ ចង់ឱយ មនុស្ស ទាំងអស់ បានសង្គ្រោះ តែមិនមែន មនុស្សទាំងអស់ ដែលបានសង្គ្រោះ ហើយបានឡើងទៅ ស្ថានសួគ៍នោះទេ គឺបាន តែអស់អ្នកណា ដែលមានត្រចៀក ស្ដាប់ឮ ព្រះបន្ទូល ហើយធ្វើតាម គឺសំដៅទៅលើ អ្នកមាន ជំនឿ ដ៏ពិត តែប៉ុណ្ណោះ ដែលបានសង្គ្រោះ ហើយយើង ក៏ខំប្រឹង ផ្សាយព្រះបន្ទូល ដល់អ្នកនោះ ហើយលើស ទៅទៀតផង។ តើអស់លោក បងប្អូន ជាពពួកមនុស្ស ដែលមានត្រចៀក ហើយស្ដាប់ឮឬទេ? សូមអស់លោក បងប្អូនប្រកប នឹងព្រះពរជានិច្ច និរន្ដរ៍។ សរសេរថ្ងៃទី 8​ –18 –12  

June 28, 2013 by
We just launched a website in order to make the available Christian resources in the Khmer language more easily accessible. For those of you who live in Cambodia or know someone who does, please spread the word and share this website with your friends. And if you know of additional resources – register to add them! Visit the Cambodian Christian Resources website here!

January 9, 2014 by
  1​​​​​​​​/09/14_ 5:00am ពន្លឺនៃលោកិយ៍  Verses: យូហាន ១៖១-១៤  ១ កាល​ដើម​ដំបូង​មាន​ព្រះបន្ទូល ព្រះបន្ទូល​ក៏​គង់​នៅ​ជា​មួយនឹង​ព្រះ ហើយ​ព្រះបន្ទូល​នោះ​ឯង​ជា​ព្រះ២ ទ្រង់​គង់​នៅ​ជា​មួយ​នឹង​ព្រះ តាំង​អំពី​ដើម​មក៣ គ្រប់​របស់​ទាំង​អស់​បាន​កើត​មក​ដោយសារ​ទ្រង់ ហើយ​ក្នុង​បណ្តា​របស់​ដែល​បាន​បង្កើត​មក​ទាំង​ប៉ុន្មាន នោះ​គ្មាន​អ្វី​ណា​មួយ​កើត​មក​ក្រៅ​ពី​ទ្រង់​ឡើយ៤ នៅ​ក្នុង​ទ្រង់​មាន​ជីវិត ហើយ​ជីវិត​នោះ​ជា​ពន្លឺ​នៃ​មនុស្ស​លោក៥ ពន្លឺ​នោះ​ក៏​ភ្លឺ​មក​ក្នុង​សេចក្តី​ងងឹត តែ​សេចក្តី​ងងឹត​យល់​មិន​ដល់​ពន្លឺ​ទេ។ ៦ មាន​ម្នាក់​ឈ្មោះ​យ៉ូហាន ដែល​ព្រះ​ទ្រង់​ចាត់​ឲ្យ​មក៧ អ្នក​នោះ​បាន​មក​សំរាប់​ជា​ទី​បន្ទាល់ ដើម្បី​នឹង​ធ្វើ​បន្ទាល់​ពី​ពន្លឺ ប្រយោជន៍​ឲ្យ​មនុស្ស​ទាំង​អស់​បាន​ជឿ ដោយសារ​គាត់៨ គាត់​មិន​មែន​ជា​ពន្លឺ​នោះ​ទេ គឺ​មក​គ្រាន់​តែ​នឹង​ធ្វើ​បន្ទាល់​ពី​ពន្លឺ​តែ​ប៉ុណ្ណោះ។ ៩ ឯ​ពន្លឺ​ដ៏​ពិត នោះ​គឺ​ជា​ពន្លឺ​ដែល​បំភ្លឺ​ដល់​មនុស្ស​ទាំង​អស់ ដែល​កើត​មក​ក្នុង​លោកីយ៍១០ ទ្រង់​បាន​គង់​ក្នុង​លោកីយ៍ ហើយ​លោកីយ៍​ក៏​កើត​មក​ដោយសារ​ទ្រង់ តែ​មិន​ស្គាល់​ទ្រង់​ទេ១១ ទ្រង់​បាន​យាង​មក​គង់​នៅ​ផែនដី​របស់​ទ្រង់ តែ​រាស្ត្រ​ទ្រង់​មិន​បាន​ទទួល​ទ្រង់​សោះ១២ ប៉ុន្តែ​អស់​អ្នក​ណា​ដែល​ទទួល​ទ្រង់ គឺ​អស់​អ្នក​ដែល​ជឿ​ដល់​ព្រះនាម​ទ្រង់ នោះ​ទ្រង់​បាន​ប្រទាន​អំណាច ឲ្យ​បាន​ត្រឡប់​ជា​កូន​ព្រះ១៣ គឺ​ជា​កូន​ដែល​មិន​មែន​កើត​មក​ពី​ឈាម ឬ​តាម​ប្រាថ្នា​ខាង​រូប​សាច់ ឬ​តាម​ចំណង់​នៃ​មនុស្ស​ឡើយ គឺ​កើត​មក​អំពី​ព្រះ​វិញ។ ១៤ ព្រះបន្ទូល​ក៏​ត្រឡប់​ជា​សាច់​ឈាម ហើយ​បាន​ស្នាក់​នៅជា​មួយ​នឹង​យើង​រាល់​គ្នា យើង​រាល់​គ្នា​បាន​ឃើញ​សិរីល្អ​ទ្រង់ គឺ​ជា​សិរីល្អ​នៃ​ព្រះរាជបុត្រា​តែ​១ ដែល​មក​ពី​ព្រះវរបិតា មាន​ពេញ​ជា​ព្រះគុណ និង​សេចក្តី​ពិត។   ក្នុងអត្ថបទព្រះបន្ទូលនេះ យើងអាចយល់បានថា៖ ព្រះបន្ទូលដែលជាព្រះយេស៊ូវ នោះគឺទ្រង់ជាព្រះ ទ្រង់ជាអ្នកបង្កើតរបស់សព្វសារពើរ នៅក្នុងព្រះបន្ទូលនោះមានជីវិត ជាជីវិតថ្មី ដែលនាំមកឱយដល់មនុស្ស ដើម្បីឱយបានរស់រហូត។ នៅក្នុងទ្រង់មានជីវិតដែលជាពន្លឺដល់មនុស្សលោក គឺជីវិតរបស់ទ្រង់ ដែលកើតមកលើផែនដីនេះ ដើម្បីបំភ្លឺ ដល់មនុស្សលោក ឱ្យស្គាល់ព្រះដ៏ពិត ឱ្យយល់អំពីជីវិត ឱ្យមានសេចក្ដីសង្ឃឹម ព្រោះក្រោយពីមនុស្សបានធ្វើបាប មក មនុស្សមិនបានស្គាល់ព្រះទេ គឺព្រះទេដែលបានរើស ហោរា នឹងអ្នកបំរើ របស់ទ្រង់ រហូតដល់ពេលដែលទ្រង់ យាងមកផែនដី ដើម្បីជាពន្លឺនេះឯង។  ហើយពន្លឺនេះសំរាប់ មនុស្សលោកគ្រប់គ្នា តែមនុស្សមួយចំនួន មិនបាន និងមិនទាន់បាន បើកភ្នែក ទទួលពន្លឺរបស់ទ្រង់ នៅឡើយ គឺគេមិនព្រមយល់ មិនទទួល និងមិនជឿព្រះបន្ទូល សូម្បីតែសាសន៍ អ៊ីស្រាអែល ដែលជារាស្រ្ត ដែលទ្រង់ បានរើសទុក ក៏គេមិនព្រមទទួលជឿដល់ទ្រង់ដែរ គឺចង់និយាយ ថាមនុស្ស ភាគច្រើន ដែលមិនជឿ (ក្នុងខ៥) មនុស្សរស់លើផែនដីនេះ គឺរស់ក្នុងភាពងងឹត គឺមិនយល់អ្វីទាំងអស់ (ភាពល្ងង់ខ្លៅ មិនយល់អំពីជីវិត អំពីអ្វីដែលនៅជុំវិញខ្លួន ព្រមទាំងព្រះផង គឺមនុស្សគ្រាន់តែមានដង្ហើម ចេញចូល រស់មួយរយៈ ហើយក៏ស្លាប់ទៅវិញ ជាអសារបង់ ដោយឥតបានយល់អ្វីទាំងអស់ គេថាគេឆ្លាតមានចំណេះ តែគេត្រូវស្លាប់ ដោយមិនយល់ថាមកពីរឿងអី្វ?)  ដូច្នេះហើយបានព្រះបន្ទូល នៅ ខ១២-១៣ ថា៖ ១២ ប៉ុន្តែ​អស់​អ្នក​ណា​ដែល​ទទួល​ទ្រង់ គឺ​អស់​អ្នក​ដែល​ជឿ​ដល់​ព្រះនាម​ទ្រង់ នោះ​ទ្រង់​បាន​ប្រទាន​អំណាច ឲ្យ​បាន​ត្រឡប់​ជា​កូន​ព្រះ១៣ គឺ​ជា​កូន​ដែល​មិន​មែន​កើត​មក​ពី​ឈាម ឬ​តាម​ប្រាថ្នា​ខាង​រូប​សាច់ ឬ​តាម​ចំណង់​នៃ​មនុស្ស​ឡើយ គឺ​កើត​មក​អំពី​ព្រះ​វិញ។ មនុស្សដែលជឿដល់ព្រះ គឺទទួលព្រះ គឺទទួលជីវិត ពីដើមគេត្រូវស្លាប់ ព្រោះឥតមានព្រះ គឺឥតជិវិត យើងបានភ្លឺ យើងបានយល់ហើយ បើមនុស្សបានជាកូនព្រះហើយ នោះមនុស្សត្រូវមានជីវិតដូចជាព្រះ ព្រោះក្នុងទ្រង់មានជីវិត គឺជាជីវិតអស់កល្ប និងបានទទួលមរតក ពីព្រះ ហើយក៏បាននៅជាមួយព្រះផង។ នេះហើយជាបំណងព្រះហឬទ័យ របស់ព្រះ ដែលទ្រង់បានបង្កើតមនុស្សមក ឱ្យដូចជាអង្គទ្រង់ នោះឯង។ ដូច្នេះព្រះបន្ទូលនេះបានប្រាប់យើងថា៖ ព្រះយេស៊ូវគ្រិស្ទ ជាព្រះដែល យាងចុះ ពីឋានសួគ៍មក ដើម្បី បំភ្លឹមនុស្សឱ្យបានយល់អំពីជីវិត និងពន្យល់ប្រាប់ពី មធ្យោបាយ ដើម្បីឱ្យជីវិត បាននៅរស់ ដ៏សុខសាន្ដ ជាមួយនិងព្រះ នៅឯស្ថានសួគ៍ អស់ កល្បជានិច្ចហើយក៏ឱយ មនុស្សបាន រស់ដោយមានសង្ឃឹមក្នុងជីវិតនេះផងដែរ។ ព្រះបន្ទូល ជាច្រើនបានពន្យល់បន្ថែមទៀតថា៖ ព្រះយេស៊ូវជា ផ្លូវ ជាជីវិត ជាពន្ឡឺ ទ្រង់សុគត ជួសមនុស្ស ដើម្បីឱ្យមនុស្សបានរស់ នេះជាសេចក្ដីពិត ឥតកុហកឡើយ។ បើឥតជឿព្រះទេ តើមនុស្សរស់ដើម្បីអ្វី? សង្ឃឹមអ្វី? គឺរស់ក្នុងភាពងងឹត អន្ធការ គឺមិនយល់អ្វីទាំងអស់ គឺរស់ដើម្បីរង់ចាំថ្ងៃស្លាប់ទៅវិញប៉ុណ្ណោះ។ មែនមានជំនឿជាច្រើនទៀតដែរ ប៉ុន្ដែវាគ្រាន់តែជាគ្រឿងបញ្ឆោតចិត្ដប៉ុណ្ណោះ។ តើបងប្អូនបានភ្លឺ ហើយឬនៅ??? ជឿ ទុកចិត្ដដល់ ព្រះយេស៊ូវ ហើយឬនៅ? បា្រកដក្នុងចិត្ដឬទេ? ត្រូវតែបា្រកដ ព្រោះព្រះទ្រង់យាង ពីសា្ថនសួគ៍មក ហើយត្រូវសុគត នៅលើឈើឆ្កាង វេទនាណាស់ ទ្រង់មិនចុះមក គ្រាន់តែបញ្ឆោតចិត្ដ មនុស្ស នោះទេ គឺព្រះបន្ទូលមិនចេះកុហកឡើយ។ 

January 14, 2012 by
Fix Our Eyes on Jesus Hebrews 12:2 “Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God” (Hebrews 12:2).   The Prayer of Jabez This little book of Bruce Wilkinson is all about a forgotten man of the Bible named Jabez and his amazing prayer. In a very few pages Bruce Wilkinson explains how to pray this prayer and unleash the power of God’s blessing in your life. I can testify that no book I’ve read in recent years has been so helpful in my own prayer life. I believe every person in our congregation would benefit by reading it. I believe it because I started to pray that prayer in the 90s and you all can see what is now to our congregation: a beautiful facility here and many churches in Cambodia.   I also believe that God has important things for us to do in the days ahead. As I have sought the Lord on behalf of our church, I have felt impressed that we should expand our ministry in the coming years.   I. Our Focus “Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith” (Hebrews 12:2a). The word “fix” comes from a Greek word that has the idea of concentrating your gaze. It means to look away from other things so that you can focus all your attention on one object. It is the picture of a lost child walking alone down a carnival midway, enthralled by the lights and sounds and smells. Her eyes flit this way and that. She doesn’t even realize that she is danger. Suddenly through the din she hears her mother’s voice. Looking up, she sees her mother calling for her to come. With her eyes now fixed on her mother, she walks straight ahead, ignoring everything else. Soon she is safe by her mother’s side. In the same way a coach will tell his runners, “When the gun sounds, start running as hard as you can. Don’t look back. Don’t look around. Keep your eyes on the finish line and keep on running.”   To fix our eyes on Jesus requires a holy habit of soul. It demands a continuous and sustained action, like a mariner in rough seas watching his compass to make sure he stays on course. This touches all that we do and asks us to consider how we use our time. What fills your gaze? Is it Jesus? How could it be anything else?   Illustration: Many years ago a woman climbed to the top of Angkor Wat. When she tried to come down she realized the stair way is too steep and she got scared. Looking down, she felt her head growing faint and her knees beginning to buckle. At that moment, I walked in front of her asked her hold the rail and climbed down backward. I told her, “Do not look down. Keep your eyes on the step and know that I am right ahead of you to catch you in case when you fall.” The woman did as she was instructed and soon she got down all the way safe. This is good advice for the beginning of a new year. No one knows what lies ahead for any of us. We all have our plans and dreams but the times and seasons of life are in God’s hands. Sooner or later we will all come to a dangerous pass where the way ahead seems to be washed out. At that moment we can panic and fall into terrible trouble. Or we can fix our eyes on the Lord Jesus Christ and mark carefully his steps before us. If we will follow him, we will find at the end of this year that we have been kept safe by his amazing grace.   Our text gives us wonderful motivation when it says that Christ is the “author and perfecter of our faith.” This means at least three things: 1. First, he laid the foundation for our faith by his death and resurrection. He made our salvation possible. 2. Second, he provided the perfect example to follow in that he trusted God perfectly. Even when he was sorely tempted in the wilderness, he did not give in. And in the Garden of Gethsemane, he yielded up his human will to the perfect will of his Heavenly Father. No one was ever tested like Jesus and no one ever passed the test like he did. 3. Third, he gives us the faith we need when we feel like quitting. All true faith comes from him because faith itself is a gift from God. In Christ we find everything we need, always.   II. Our Example “Who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame” (Hebrews 12:2b). Mark two words in this phrase: “joy” and “cross.” Those two words don’t seem to go together. The cross speaks of pain, suffering, shame, ridicule, rejection, and ultimate public humiliation. Crucifixion meant a slow, agonizing death that often lasted for several days. There was nothing beautiful or humane about death on a cross. It was the worst kind of torture, reserved for the very worst criminals. Where is the joy in that kind of death? The answer is that there is no joy in death by crucifixion, but Jesus went to the cross and endured the pain and despised the shame that he might obtain the joy that would be his afterward.   Did Jesus enjoy the cross? No, but he endured it for what would come later. Did Jesus enjoy the shame? No, but he scorned it for what would come from it. In this phrase there is a reference to the joy of obedience to his Father’s will and the joy of completing the work of redemption and the joy of bringing great glory to his Father and the joy of triumphing over death and hell. These joys were his but they came at the cost of a cruel Roman cross.   Illustration: There is a higher level of delayed gratification that involves enduring pain to receive a reward. This is why high school athletes lift weights at 6:00 a.m. when their friends are still in bed. They give up sleep in order to win the championship next year. And this is why aspiring pianists practice for hours when they might be watching TV or playing video games. They put in the hours in the hope that some day they may play for thousands. And in a different way this is why cancer patients endure the rigors of chemotherapy. They take the potent chemicals into their body hoping that one day the cancer will be gone. And this is why our young people keep themselves pure. They want to enter marriage someday with joy and with no regrets. And in yet another realm, this is why families leave their loved ones and travel to the ends of the earth. They want the joy of seeing the nations come to Christ. In all these things there is pain involved, but it is pain endured for the sake of the joy that comes when the goal is finally reached.   Jesus said, “Follow me” and he went to the cross. Are you willing to follow him even to the cross? Are you willing to endure pain and difficulty in order to know the joy of fulfilling God’s will for your life?   If we take this phrase and put it in words that Jesus might have said, it looks something like this: “I want the joy of seeing my Father’s house in heaven filled with his redeemed children. Therefore, I am willing to suffer the pain and shame of a brutal death on a cross.”   No pain, no gain. No suffering, no glory. No cross, no crown. No tears, no joy. Keep your eye on the prize. We all like the empty tomb. But you have to die before you can rise again.   III. Our Hope “And sat down at the right hand of the throne of God” (Hebrews 12:2c). Jesus sat down because his work was finished. In the Old Testament the priests on duty could never sit down because their work of offering sacrifices for sin was never done. But once Christ had offered himself as the final sacrifice for sin, no other offering could be made and no other offering would be accepted. That’s why theologians speak of the “finished work” of Jesus Christ. It means that the work of redemption is now complete.   He sat down at God’s right hand, the place of supreme honor in the universe. There was no higher place or position for the Lord Jesus Christ in all the universe. Therefore, to him belongs all praise and majesty. He must have the preeminence in our lives because God has given him a name that is above every name. And when we pray to him, we are praying to One who has been exalted to the highest place of honor, which means that we have a Friend in high places who can help us in our time of need.   IV. Running the Race   Let’s stand back for a moment and ask how this great text can help us in the coming year. Three simple thoughts come to mind:   1) The only way to win the race is to keep your eyes on Jesus. Hebrews 12:1 tells us to run with patience the race that is set before us. We have everything we need to help us along the way. We have the testimony of the saints who have gone before us, we have the example of the Lord Jesus Christ, and we have the promise of coming glory when we finish our earthly course. So keep your eyes on Jesus. Don’t be turned aside or distracted by the things of the world. Keep running. Don’t look back. Fix your eyes on Jesus and run with all your might for the finish line.   2) When hard times come, don’t start with your circumstances and try to find Jesus. Start with Jesus and then go back to your circumstances. This is a profoundly important principle. Hard times often trip us up because we can’t understand how or why God would allow certain things to happen to us. But you will never find Jesus by rummaging around in your tattered circumstances. If you start with your problems, it will be nearly impossible to find the Lord. Start with Jesus. Go back to the Bible. Review what you know about our Lord—his mercy, his grace, his kindness, his power, and his wisdom.   3) When you feel like giving up, remember that in God’s eyes you are already a winner. Recall that even now you are seated with Christ in heaven. In God’s eyes the outcome has already been determined. Even though the score may seem stacked against you, if you know Jesus, his victory is yours. And one day you will openly share in his triumph. Let those who name the name of the Lord rejoice in him. Remember who you are and whose you are. God has not given us a spirit of fear but of love and power and a sound mind (II Timothy 1:7). Let that truth of God give you strength when you feel like you cannot go on.   Conclusion: A Christian man was asked a few hours before his death, “Is your faith strong,”. “No, but my Jesus is.” It does not matter whether your faith is strong or weak today. During the year to come your faith will rise and fall according to the varying seasons and tides of life. But do not worry if your faith does not seem strong. We are not saved by faith in Christ but by Christ who saves by faith. Even faith like a mustard seed is honored by God.

January 14, 2012 by
I Can Do All Things In 2012 Philippians 4:13 “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Happy New Year! I trust that you had a wonderful Christmas season and a grand New Year’s Day. I hope that you are as excited about 2012 as I am. I’m wondering how many of us have made New Year’s resolutions yet? Most of us, I suppose, use January 1 as a place to begin making some changes in life. Perhaps by now you don’t write them down; perhaps you don’t share them with anyone else. The specifics don’t matter. Most of us plan to lose weight, or to start saving money, or to call our parents, or to have a daily quiet time, or to break some stubborn habit. How are you doing so far? This is January 8th. Anyone broken a resolution yet? I thought so. That, of course, is the discouraging side of resolution-making. They are easy to make and hard to keep—even for 1 week! That’s why so many of us are so hesitant to make a new start. Sometimes it’s easier not to try than to try knowing you will certainly fail. However, there is a biblical perspective we need to remember at the beginning of a new year. It’s a perspective that’s wrapped up in one simple word. If you remember not to use this particular word this year, your chances of succeeding are going to go through the roof.   The word is can't. That’s right. The one word you shouldn’t say in 2012 is the little word cannot. We use it all the time, don’t we? We say, “I can’t lose weight.” “I just can’t seem to save money.” “I try and try but I can’t find the time to read the Bible.” “After what she did, I can’t forgive her.” “No matter how hard I try, I can’t change.” The Most Destructive Word On and on it goes. In fact, I think you can make a persuasive case that “can’t” is the single most destructive word in the English language. * It destroys motivation. * It shifts responsibility. * It denies reality. When you say “can’t"—especially with reference to the problems of life—you are simply giving up without a fight. My whole goal in this sermon is to convince you that you can. I firmly believe that this year you can do everything God intends for you to do. No matter how hard, no matter how difficult, no matter how impossible things may seem right now. If God wants you to do it, in 2012 you can!   Five Versions of One Verse My text is only one verse of Scripture. You’ve heard it, you’ve read it, and most of you have memorized it. The verse is Philippians 4:13. It reads like this in the familiar King James Version: “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” The NIV says, “I can do everything through him who gives me strength.”The Living Bible expands the text this way: “I can do everything God asks me to with the help of Christ who gives me strength and power.”J.B. Phillips gave us this colorful rendering: “I am ready for anything through the strength of the one who lives within me.”Finally, here is the unique translation of the Twentieth Century New Testament: “Nothing is beyond my power in the strength of him who makes me strong!” No matter what version you use, Philippians 4:13 is a verse of unlimited possibility. We have the power of Creator in us to do all good things with Him. For most of you, Philippians 4:13 is an old friend. The Bible says that you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you. “All things.” Can you really do “all things” through Christ? Is that just wishful thinking, just another piece of hopeful religious propaganda? Or is it literally true? Can you do “all things” in 2012? I am going to give you four answers to that question. These four answers, taken together with the four principles, make up what I call “’I can Christianity.”   I. You Can If You Want To. I call this the principle of Personal Desire. Before you can, you must want to. Before the deed, there must be the desire. In order to accomplish your goals in 2012, you’ve got to decide what it is you truly want to do. If you want it badly enough, you have a fighting chance of getting it. If both of spouses want to be together, nothing can separate the. But if want start the desire for divorce it won't be long. If you don’t really care, then it probably won’t happen. So many people who say they want to do things really don’t want to. Won’t Versus Can’t Through the years I have learned this much: If you’ve got a problem in your life, you’re going to get better faster if you stop saying “can’t” and start saying “won’t.” Once you start saying “won’t” you’ve put the matter in the right framework. We say, “I can’t lose weight.” For most of us that really means, “I won’t lose weight.” We say, “I can’t forgive.” For most of us that means, “I won’t forgive.” We say, “I can’t find time to read the Bible.” For most of us that means, “I won’t find time to read the Bible.” When you say “won’t” instead of “can’t,” you have started to tell the truth. For most of us “can’t” is simply a convenient excuse. Is it possible for you to do “all things” this year? Yes it is. But you must want to. That’s step number one, the principle of Personal Desire.   II. You Can If God Wants You To. This is the principle of Divine Direction. It’s crucial for you to understand this second answer because it is clearly stated in the text. “I can do all things through Christ.” This verse is not a blank check. It’s not as if Paul is saying, “I can do anything I can dream up.” No. If you read the context, he is speaking about the varying and sometimes difficult circumstances of life. Verse 11, "I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances.” Verse 12—"Sometimes I find myself with plenty of food and sometimes I have nothing to eat. Sometimes I have a roof over my head and sometimes I don’t.” “I know what it is to have money in the bank and I know what it is to be flat broke. And I’ve learned to be content no matter what my situation might be.” Then verse 13, "I have learned through the power of Jesus Christ that I can face whatever comes my way.” If it’s good, I can enjoy it. If it’s not so good, I can deal with it. Why? Because I have access to the everlasting strength of Jesus Christ. Let me share a simple phrase with you: “If God is in it, you can do it.” That brings it all together, doesn’t it? If God is in your difficulty, you can face it. If God is somehow in your failure, you can overcome it. Here is what God wants you to do: "For it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose." Phil. 2:13 If God is in your dreams, your dreams will come to pass. If God is in your goals, you can achieve every single one of them. If God is in your prayers, he will not only hear them, he will also answer them   III. You Can If You Rely on Jesus Christ. This is the principle of Divine Enablement. We come now to the heart of the verse: “I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.” In the Greek, the word itself means “to pour strength into.” It’s like pouring milk into a pitcher or water into a glass or coffee into a cup. It’s the picture of something empty that is filled by an outside source. It’s the picture of a believer facing the problems of life, hopeless and helpless, and in that situation, Jesus Christ pours his strength into the believer’s life. He strengthens us, he pours his strength into us. You’ve got to have Jesus Christ on the inside. Are we who believe better than other people? No. Are we stronger? No. Are we spared the problems of life? No. Are we tougher than others? No. Does God give us a free pass so that what happens to others doesn’t happen to us? No. Are we wiser than others? No. What makes the difference? Only one thing. Jesus Christ within. We have the power of the indwelling Christ and that makes all the difference in the world. Not on your own strength, not on your own power, not on your own wisdom, and not on your own ability to figure things out. But if you will say, “Lord Jesus, this year I’m relying on you,” you can do all things through Christ.   IV. You Can If You Start Today and Don’t Look Back. This is the principle of the Personal Choice. One question: Which way are you going this year? Are you going backwards into 2011 or are you going forward into 2012? Your answer makes all the difference. Let me put it all together. Can you really do “all things” in 2012? Yes, you can. Here are the four principles: *Personal Desire *Divine Direction *Divine Enablement *Personal Choice Notice that the first one is personal, the next two are divine, and the last one is personal. There’s perfect balance here. Two depend on you, two depend on God. Does it depend on you? Yes. Does it depend on God? Yes. Think of the verse this way: “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” It begins with I, ends with me, and Jesus Christ is in the middle. When you come to the end of this year, you’ll say, “I thought I could.” Right now it’s only, “I think I can.” But remember, through Jesus Christ you can.   In our life journey we often say, “I think I can.” But Paul was saying, “I know I can.” What makes the difference? We are relying on own power to get over the problem. But we have available to us the resources of an infinite God. That’s the difference between “I think” and “I know.” Conclusion: Can you really do “all things” in 2012? Through Christ you can. So it is time for you to resign now: During Christmas time I like what God told us through the prophet Isaiah in chapter 9:6 “For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace." Illustration: A manager ran YMCA and he worked very hard 80 hrs a week to get the operation going. But there were many problems that he could not handle. He visited a therapist who warned him he was on the verge of a nervous breakdown. Somehow he needed to let go and let God take charge of his problems. But how do you do something like that? The breakthrough came one day when he took a notebook and ventured into a forest not far from where he lived. He took out his notebook and decided to let go of the burdens of his life. He wrote God a letter that simply said, “Dear God, Today I hereby resign as general manager of the universe. Love,.” Looking back on that moment, he reflected with a twinkle in his eye, “And wonder of wonders, God accepted my resignation.”   Without Christ, we cannot do all things. When you let Jesus run your life's operation you can do all things through Him. Amen

January 16, 2012 by
Let's Press On Philippians 3:12-14   An article from a newspaper says that 2012 could be “the most frightening year in living memory.” The article mentions the possible collapse of the Euro, trouble in the Middle East, the rise of China, and the possibility of a global recession. “In the Middle East, the excitement of the Arab Spring has long since curdled into sectarian tension and fears of Islamic fundamentalism.” In America, worry has become part of our national culture. You could write on countless American gravestones the epitaph: “Hurried, Worried, Buried.” We can’t blame anyone for feeling a bit worried right now. Even though the Bible says “Do not be anxious about anything” (Philippians 4:6), most of us are anxious about something. One writer said that worry is “the interest paid by those who borrow trouble.” Surely that stands as a good description for the fear that grips many hearts around the world. Against the prevailing uncertainty in these early days of 2012, we have a clear reminder from our Lord in Matthew 6:27, “Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?”  Think about it. Can you add an hour to your life by your worry? No, but your worry may actually shorten your life by causing so much stress that your health breaks down. Jesus gave us this practical admonition that seems well-suited for these days: “Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself” (Matthew 6:34).   You’ve got plenty of trouble right now. Why borrow trouble from tomorrow? There are at least seven reasons why worry is counterproductive: It wastes time that could be spent in better ways. It focuses on the problem, not the solution. It causes us to assume responsibility that belongs only to God. It paralyzes us with fear. It saps our joy. It drains our energy. It keeps us sidetracked when we could be doing God’s will. If we want to get off to a good start this year, we need to begin in the right place. Our text helps us at the level of personal motivation by revealing the heart of our faith. It begins with a very frank admission.        I.  Life Humble Evaluation                           “Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already been made perfect“ (v. 12a). There is a refreshing honesty about these words. If anyone had reason to brag about his accomplishments, you would think it would be the Apostle Paul. But he doesn’t do that. Despite having met the Lord on the Damascus Road, despite having preached across the eastern Mediterranean region, despite being an apostle called by God, despite writing letters inspired by the Holy Spirit, despite all that he had endured, he does not brag about anything he has said or done. None of that matters to him.   He knows that he is a sinner saved by grace. In another place he even calls himself the “chief of sinners” (1 Timothy 1:15). Despite all that he had done, he makes no claim of being perfect or having arrived in his own spiritual journey. There is no perfection in this life. That fact is hard for some people to grasp. Whenever we face a difficulty in life, we must begin by saying, “It is what it is." My co-worker said when his daughter is on drug but then he said nothing he can do now.  Often we would rather play games, make excuses, cover up, pretend, ignore the obvious, and live in fantasy land. You can’t get better until you come to grips with reality. “It is what it is”. It’s hard to admit your marriage is in trouble. It’s hard to admit your career is on the rocks. It’s hard to admit your dreams are smashed. It’s hard to admit your children are struggling. It’s hard to admit you’re broke. It’s hard to admit you have a problem with alcohol. It’s hard to admit you’ve got a critical spirit. It’s hard to admit you’re filled with anger. But there is no getting better until you say, “It is what it is.” So it is with all the trials of life. First we begin by saying, “It is what it is.” And then by God’s grace we move on from there. Notice that Paul plainly says, “I have not yet obtained.” One translation says, “I do not claim that I have already succeeded.” J. B. Phillips renders it in very pithy English: “I do not consider myself to have ‘arrived’, spiritually." That’s always a danger, especially for those who have been Christians for a long time. It’s easy to become such a “professional Christian” that you look down your nose at the struggles of others and go, “I thank you, Lord, that I am not like that man.” It’s easy to become insensitive to sin because you think you are above it. Martin Luther remarked that pride is so deep within us that we must “repent of our repentance,” by which he meant that even our repenting is tinged with pride, per example, “Look at me! I’m honest enough to repent of my sins. I’m not like you. I don’t cover things up.” Sin is so much with us that even our confession contains within it the seeds of our next transgression. Were it not for grace, none of us could ever stand before the Lord. Good thought to start the year . . . I’m not as strong or as wise as I think I am, but God is stronger and wiser than I can imagine. We’re not as smart as we think we are. We’re not as clever as we think we are. We’re not as wise as we think we are. We’re not as good as we think we are. We’re not as strong as we think we are. The only thing that keeps us going is this. Jesus is a wonderful Savior, and he is everything we are not. He is strong. He is wise. He is good. He is holy. He is righteous. He is loving. He is merciful. He is the way, the truth, and the life. And he is all these things all the time far more than we can imagine.   II. A Divine Aspiration                                 “But I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me" (v. 12b). Pause for a moment over that last phrase: “Christ Jesus took hold of me." The whole Christian life can be found in those words.  Christ found me. Christ saved me. Christ has a purpose for my life. The supreme purpose of my life is to discover His purpose for me! It takes a lifetime. It involves hard work and concentration (I press on....). It leads to progressive growth in grace. It develops the character of Christ in me.   III. A Forward Determination                     “But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead" (v. 13).  Note the fierce concentration implicit in the words “one thing I do.” Here is a secret that applies across the board. To excel in any area of life, a person must say, “This one thing I do,” not “These 20 things I do.” A single-minded focus in any endeavor generally wins a great reward. Greatness in any arena comes to those who can say with the Apostle Paul, “One thing I do.” In his case, it meant looking to the heavenly goal of winning the prize. That phrase covers all that God has for us when we finally stand before Jesus Christ and hear him say, “Well done, good and faithful servant. Enter into the joy of the Lord." (Matt. 25:21) Paul clarifies his purpose with two key phrases:  A.  Forgetting What Lies Behind Illustration: During a time after the Civil War Confederate General Robert E. Lee visited a woman who showed him the remains of a grand old tree in front of her home. There she cried bitterly that its limbs and trunk had been destroyed by Union artillery fire. She waited for Lee to condemn the North or at least sympathize with her loss. Lee paused and then said, “Cut it down, my dear madam, and forget it." Surely this is a good word for a new year. What are we to forget? Our worries. Our fears. Our failures. Our victories. Our defeats. The attacks of our enemies. The praise of our friends. Let us lay aside even the accomplishments of the past year, our claim to fame, our name in the lights, the good things we think we have done, the stuff we do to make the world glad that we get out of bed in the morning, all the things we brag about, all the medals and honors and all the awards. B. Pressing on to What Lies Ahead Illustration: Several days ago I watched a football game in which a key play near the end involved a runner stretching out for the goal line. As the opposing team gang-tackled him, he stretched the ball out as far as he could. Did the ball in fact break the plane of the goal line before he fell to the ground? At first it was hard to tell in the pile of players. But one replay showed that just barely, by a matter of inches, he had pushed the ball across the goal line. That’s the sort of effort that wins in football and in the Christian life.   IV. A Heavenly Bound                                                 “I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus" (v. 14). In the spiritual life, direction makes all the difference. True believers aren’t in heaven yet, but they aim their steps in that direction. In Paul’s case that involved both a sanctified forgetting and a resolute pushing forward. Paul said, “I haven’t arrived yet, but I’m still climbing!” If he were here today, he would say, “Press on!!!!” It’s not enough to start well. You also have to end well. Someone has commented that the chief problem of the church today is that we have too many “amateur Christians." I think he meant that we have too many who just dabble at their faith. They are like the man who jumped on his horse and rode furiously in all directions. Let me pose three questions for you to consider: 1. What is the goal of your life? 2. Why do you get up in the morning? 3. Why are you still here?  No one can say with certainty what the New Year will bring or if we will even be here twelve months from now. But that thought should not alarm us in any way. To all our worries the Lord says quite simply: "Fear not.” Will things get worse? Fear not. Will I lose my health?  Fear not. Will I get cancer?  Fear not. Will I keep my job?  Fear not. Will my loved ones undergo hardship?  Fear not. Will my investments collapse?  Fear not. Will I run out of money this year?  Fear not. Will others ridicule my faith? Fear not. Will my cherished plans come to nothing? Fear not. Will my dreams turn to ashes? Fear not. Will I face death this year? Fear not. We of all people ought to be optimistic as we face a new year. We have a great future because we have a great God.  So chin up, child of God. Stop staring in the soup. Pull those shoulders back. Put a smile on your face. Take your troubles, wrap them up, and give them all to the Lord.    Conclusion: Illustration: The heart was being transported by private jet and helicopter to reach the intended recipient in Mexico City. As the medics departed the helicopter and were transporting the organ in a wheeled container, one of the two medics tripped, and the heart, wrapped in a polyethylene bag, rolled out of the container and onto the street. The medic quickly recovered the heart and the group continued rushing into the hospital. Mexico's Department of Health confirmed that the heart did indeed reach the hospital, and AP reported the transplant operation was successful. Don’t look back. Press on.   When we look at the world economy teetering on the brink of collapse, there are reasons for all of us to be concerned. But is it any worse for us than it was for the Apostle Paul in the first century? Living under a pagan Roman emperor whose values were far from Christian, Paul nevertheless found many reasons to press on for Jesus. So we launch out with great faith into the New Year. We’ll have our share of hard times, but overriding it all is the promise of God who said, “I will never leave you or forsake you.” (Heb. 13:5)     Fear not and Press on!  Amen.

February 21, 2012 by
Make Us Sunlight Christian Philippians 1:9-11             In this message I want to give you some very practical advice that could energize your prayer life. As we begin moving in that direction, here are three opening observations to think about: 1. Prayer is both the easiest and hardest discipline of the Christian life. It is the easiest in that the youngest child and the newest Christian can learn to pray. Even the slightest motion of the soul toward God is a form of genuine prayer. If a person says, “Lord, have mercy,” they are truly praying. But prayer is also the hardest discipline because it is the most difficult to maintain over a long period of time. In a sense it is easy to enroll in theSchool ofPrayer but hard to get a graduate degree. 2. Almost everyone prays, believer and non-believer alike, and almost everyone feels they could improve in this area. Even in our best moments, we still must admit that we have barely touched the hem of the Master’s garment in the arena of prayer. 3. Prayer presents us with problems both theological and practical. On one level, we are faced with difficult questions regarding the sovereignty of God and human free will. While those questions are important, I do not propose to address them in this sermon. I would rather tackle the challenge of prayer on a purely practical level. When we pray, what should we pray for? I am much more interested in the What and How of prayer because this is where most of us live every day. “Prayer is the very sword of the saints,” said Francis Thompson. If that is true, why do we often keep the sword in the scabbard? Often we simply don’t know what to say when we pray. What do you do when faced with a prayer list of friends, loved ones, neighbors, co-workers, missionaries, and others whom you hardly know at all? Our usual response is to pray like this: “Lord, uh … uh … uh … bless Sally.” Then we go to the next name: “Lord, uh … uh … uh … please bless Bill.” Then we go to the next name: “Lord, uh … uh … uh … I ask you to really bless our missionaries in Cambodia.” And on it goes. As one man remarked, if you took the word “bless” out of our prayer vocabularies, most of us would never pray again. We can use Paul’s prayer for the Philippians 1:9-11 as a blueprint for powerful praying. Here is a prayer that fits virtually every situation we may face. Here is my version of Paul’s prayer: “I pray that you will know … The good from the bad, the better from the good, and the best from the better. I. Three Requests Paul’s prayer begins with three requests for the Philippian believers. As we pray for others, we should feel perfectly free to include these three requests as our own. A) Abounding Love “And this is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more” (Philippians 1:9a). Imagine an empty cup slowly being filled with water. When the water reaches the brim, it begins to overflow down the sides of the cup. That’s the picture Paul has in mind, love filling the hearts of the Philippians until it overflows. Almost all of Paul’s prayers in the New Testament begin with a petition for love. That’s because love is supreme among the Christian virtues. It alone will last forever (I Corinthians 13:13). No matter how much love we have, our love can always increase. Paul is praying that they would love more people and would love them in a greater way. Since the text is indefinite, we should ask if Paul is thinking about a) love for God, b) love for fellow Christians, or c) love for non-Christians. The answer of course is yes. If a man says he loves God and hates his brother, he is a liar (I John 4:20). It’s easy to understand why Paul’s prayer begins with love. Since we live in a fallen world, we will often find ourselves surrounded by irritable, petulant, cranky, annoying, aggravating, frustrating, crabby, unreasonable, cantankerous people. And that’s on a good day!  What do we do then? There are many answers to that question, but our text suggests one very practical answer: We should pray for our love to increase. It’s one thing to pray, “Lord, get this fool away from me before I say something I shouldn’t,” and it’s another thing to pray, “Lord, please change this person so they won’t be so obnoxious.” But it’s something else entirely to pray, “Lord, I really don’t care for this person. I don’t like this person. He gets on my nerves. He’s a total jerk. He’s a bossy, dominating, opinionated fool. I don’t even want to love him or like him and I prefer not to be around this person at all. Why not be straightforward with God about the way we feel? B) Growing Knowledge “In knowledge and depth of insight” (Philippians 1:9b). Paul’s prayer continues with a request that the Philippians might grow in their knowledge of God. The particular word for “knowledge” means knowledge based on a deep, personal, and intimate relationship. We make our choices and then our choices turn around and make us. As a massive ship is guided by a tiny rudder, our lives often turn on small decisions and unexpected events. Every day we make thousands of decisions, most of them made either by habit or on the spur of the moment. Will I get up in the morning? Will I take a shower? Will I eat breakfast? Will I go to work today? If so, will I take the car or ride the train? If I take the car, will I listen to the radio or to a CD? If I ride the train, what will I read while I’m on the train? Who will I greet first at work? What will I do when I get home? How will I respond to my husband (wife)? How much time will I spend with my children? On and on the questions go. Each decision either leads us toward the light of God or toward the darkness of despair. So we need “insight” from God to make wise choices. Here’s a good way to remember the concept of insight. It is “sight” on the inside, a kind of inner vision that enables us to properly evaluate all the choices we face every day. When we have it, we make good decisions. And when we don’t have it, we end up making the same dumb mistakes over and over again. Where do we find this kind of insight? First, we get it from the Word of God with the aid of the Holy Spirit. As we study the Bible, the Holy Spirit takes the Word of God and reveals to us the things of God (I Corinthians 2:6-16). Let a man bury himself in the Bible with an open heart and very soon his whole life will begin to change. In essence, Paul wants the Philippians to learn to think “Christianly” in every situation. Second, we get it from the Lord in answer to our prayers. So if you are confused, or if you find yourself in a deep hole because of wrong choices made over and over again, humbly ask God for the insight to make the right choices in life. That leads directly to the third petition, which is the heart of the prayer. C) Increasing Discernment  “So that you may be able to discern what is best” (Philippians 1:10a) The NLT offers this translation: “I want you to understand what really matters.” That’s an excellent translation because the Greek word for “discern” was used for testing metals—like gold ore or coins—to find out what they are worth. There is gold and then there is “Fool’s Gold.” It looks like gold to the naked eye, but it isn’t, and it’s not worth anything. Too many Christians settle for “Fool’s Gold” in the choices they make. There are really two parts to making wise choices: First, you must know what is right. This is crucial because we live in a world where many people evidently have lost all sense of right and wrong. Everything appears to them as shades of gray. Second, you must have the courage to choose what you know to be right. True discernment gives you vision to see what is right and then the courage to choose to do it. II. Three Results Paul’s prayer continues with the results that flow from the three requests just mentioned—love, knowledge, and discernment. A) A Blameless Life “And may be pure and blameless until the day of Christ” (Philippians 1:10b). Note two key words in this phrase: The word “pure” comes from two other words that mean “judgment” and “sunlight.” In the first century the shops were often dimly lit which meant that prospective customers would have trouble viewing the wares. When they took the pottery or the fabric into the sunlight, they could see it as it really was. The sunlight revealed the truth. To be pure means to live in such a way that the truth about who we are is clear. It means that people don’t have to wonder about what you are doing in the darkness because you have nothing to hide. You are the same in the darkness as you are in the light. You are the same at midnight as you are at high noon. You are the same on the job or at school as you are in church on Sunday morning. You are the same behind closed doors as you are in public. To be “pure” means to be a “sunlight” Christian. Your life is consistent no matter where you happen to be or who happens to be with you. The word “blameless” comes from the Greek word family from which we get the English word “scandal.” It originally referred to the bait in a trap that would catch unsuspecting animals. It came to mean a lifestyle that caused others to fall into sin. A “blameless” person is free from moral scandal. It means you don’t stumble into sin and you don’t cause others to stumble by your behavior. B) A Fruitful Life “Filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ” (Philippians 1:11a). The Bible often uses the metaphor of a fruit tree to describe both the life of the righteous and the life of the wicked. Regarding false prophets, Jesus declared that by their fruit you shall know them (Matthew 7:20). That’s precisely what Paul is praying for—the fruit of visible Christian character. A fruitful life is one that is distinctively Christian in every aspect. It reminds me of the question, “If you were arrested for being a Christian, would there be enough evidence to convict you?” The fruitful life can always answer yes. Note that this fruit comes “through Jesus Christ.” As we are rooted deeply in him, and as we draw our strength from him, his power flows through us and produces the “fruit of righteousness” in us. He is the root and his power produces the fruit. C) A God Glorified Life “To the glory and praise of God” (Philippians 1:11b). A God glorified life is one that brings glory or praise to God. Such a person actually enhances God’s reputation in the world. When people see you, do they naturally think about God? Does your life serve as a good advertisement for the Lord Jesus Christ? Have you ever heard Ruth Bell Graham’s definition of a saint? A saint is a person who makes it easy for others to believe in Jesus. When this prayer is answered in us, we’ll be saints who make it easy for others to believe in Jesus. Before we finish, let’s step back and consider how great this prayer is. One 19th century writer called it “The Life of God in the Soul of Man.” In some ways it covers the whole range of what God wants to do in us and through us. 1. It starts with abounding love 2. That manifests itself in knowledge and discernment 3. Resulting in the ability to make wise choices under pressure 4. And the visible fruit of a righteous life 5. That comes from a living relationship with Jesus Christ 6. So that God alone gets the glory.   Conclusion: Pray this prayer for yourself. Pray this prayer for others. Who are you praying for today? Remember that prayer is not a ritual but a matter of the heart. To pray for someone else is an act of hidden kindness that only God sees. And because God alone sees your heart, he will hear your prayer and reward you in secret. We can touch people through prayer that we couldn’t touch any other way. Prayer is the secret sword of the saints. Use it! God gave you a secret weapon so that by your prayer in secret you can change the world. When you boil it all down to the essentials, Paul prayed for things that are best, that the Philippians would have the wisdom to choose the best things in life. And he didn’t mean “the best things” in general; he meant God’s best for them. This is an inspiring thought and a good way to organize our prayers. Do you want God’s best for others? Pray this prayer! Do you want God’s best in your own life? Pray this prayer! Do you want God’s best in your family? Pray this prayer! Do you want God’s best in your church? Pray this prayer! May God deliver us from “second-best” Christianity! May God deliver us from spiritual mediocrity!  

February 18, 2012 by
  តើខ្ញុំរស់នៅលើផែនដីនេះសម្រាប់អ្វី? តើអស់លោកបងប្អូន ដែលបានសួរខ្លួនឯងដោយហ្មត់ចត់នូវសំនួរ ដែលថា ‍‌‌‍‌"តើខ្ញុំរស់នៅលើផែនដីនេះសម្រាប់អ្វី?” នេះដែរឬទេ? -       ហេតុដូចម្តេចបានជាអស់លោក បងប្អូនមានវត្តមាននៅលើផែនដីនេះ? តើមានបំណងអ្វី? -       តើមានមនុស្សណាម្នាក់បានសំរេចបំណងរបស់ខ្លួនជាអចិន្រ្តៃយ៍ ដែរឬទេ? -       ហេតុដូចម្តេចបានមនុស្ស  កើត?  ចាស់?  ឈឺ?  ហើយស្លាប់? -       តើមនុស្សមានបំណងចង់ស្លាប់ឬទេ ? បើមនុស្សមិនចង់ស្លាប់ហើយត្រូវស្លាប់មែន នោះមិនខុសបំណងរបស់ខ្លួនហើយឬ?។ ដូច្នេះនៅទីបំផុតមនុស្សឥតបានសំរេចបំណងរបស់ ខ្លួនណាមួយទាល់តែសោះ ព្រោះសេចក្តីស្លាប់បានសម្លាប់គ្រប់ទាំងបំណងអស់ហើយ។ -       ហេតុអ្វីបានជាដូច្នេះ?  -       *ព្រោះមនុស្សមិនមែនជាអ្នកបង្កើតខ្លួនឯងមកទេ  មនុស្សគ្រាន់តែជា របស់ ដែលបានបង្កើតមកប៉ុណ្ណោះ -       ឧទាហរណ៍៖ ដូចជាមនុស្សបង្កើត រថយន្ត ឬឡាន មក គឺមានបំណងច្បាស់លាស់ គឺសំរាប់ សំរួលដំណើរ និងការដឹកនាំ ឱយបានឆាប់រហ័ស ហើយស្រួល។ ម្ចាស់ របស់វាក៏ស្រឡាញ់វា សំអាត ថែរក្សា ទាំងចាក់សាំង ផ្លាស់ប្តូរ ទឹកប្រេងជាប្រក្រតី ដើម្បីឱយវាបានសម្រេចបំណងរបស់ខ្លួនតទៅទៀត។ -       ប្រសិនណាបើវាខូច មិនឆេះ  មិនទៅមុខទេ នោះ វាបានធ្វើខុសបំណងម្ចាស់វាហើយ នោះម្ចាស់វានិងឆ្កិះឆ្កៀល ឬអូសទាញវាទៅរកជាងធ្វើ ជួសជុលវាឱយទាល់តែឆេះ វិញ  បើធ្វើអស់ចិត្តហើយនៅតែមិនឆេះទៀត នោះប្រាកដជាត្រូវអូសវា យកទៅចោល ទាំងស្តាយស្រណោះជាមិនខានឡើយ។ -       ដូច្នេះមិនខុសពីព្រះអទិករដែលទ្រង់បានបង្កើតមនុស្សមកដោយស្រឡាញ់ ដោយមាន បំណង ហឬទ័យច្បាស់លាស់ណាស់ ទ្រង់បង្កើតមនុស្សក្នុងភាពពិសេស ឱយដូចជាអង្គ ទ្រង់ ចង់ឱយមនុស្សបានជាកូនទ្រង់ និងគ្រងមរតកជាមួយនិងទ្រង់នៅឯនគរស្ថានសួគ៍។ -       ដោយសារមនុស្សមានបាប មនុស្សមិនអាចចូលស្ថានសួគ៍បានឡើយ ដោយមិនស្គាល់ និងគ្មានច្បាប់អនុញ្ញាតិផង។ -       ដូច្នេះមនុស្សត្រូវតែ លន់តួរបាប ទទួលស្គាល់ព្រះយេស៊ូវគ្រិស្ទ ដែលជាផ្លូវ ជាសេចក្តីពិត និងជាជីវិត ផង ដើម្បីតម្រូវគោលបំណងហឬទ័យព្រះជាម្ចាស់ ជាព្រះអទិករ ជាមុនសិន ទើបអាចមានច្បាប់ចូលនគរស្ថានសួគ៍បាន។ -       ឡានត្រូវសម្របបំណងខ្លួន ទៅនិងម្ចាស់អ្នកធ្វើ ឬអ្នកបើកបរ ដែលជាម្ចាស់របស់ ខ្លួននោះ ទើបបាននៅសុខសាន្តជាមួយគ្នាទៅបាន យ៉ាងណាមិញ មនុស្សនិងព្រះ ក៏ដូចគ្នាដែរ។ -       តើធ្វើដូចម្តេចឱយមនុស្សអាចចូលស្ថានសួគ៍ទៅបាន បើខ្លួនមិនបានបង្កើតឋាន នោះសោះ  ហើយក៍មិនស្គាល់ម្ចាស់វាផងនោះ។ ប៉ុន្តែនៅពេលដែលមនុស្ស បានទទួលព្រះ ហើយទ្រង់បានទទួលយើងជាកូនស្រេចហើយ នោះយើងនិងមាន ឈ្មោះទៅស្ថានសួគ៍ជាពិតប្រាកដ។ -       តើអស់លោក បងប្អូនបានទទួលជឿព្រះយេស៊ូវគ្រិស្ទ ជាព្រះអង្គសង្រ្គោះហើយឬនៅ ? -       អស់លោក បងប្អូនរស់នៅលើផែនដីនេះត្រូវតែមានបំណងឱយដួចជាព្រះដែល បង្កើតអស់លោក បងប្អូន មកទើបបានមានជីវិតអស់កល្បនៅឯស្ថានសួគ៍បាន ពុំនោះទេជីវិតនេះបានតឹ្រមតែបណ្តោះអាសន្នប៉ុណ្ណោះ។ ដោយ Pastor Meng Hampton  

February 18, 2012 by
  សូមជូនអត្ថបទព្រះបន្ទូល ព្រះអទិករនិងវត្តមានទ្រង់  មុនដំបូងយើងចង់និយាយអំពីអត្ថន័យនៃពាក្យថា ព្រះ áž“áž·áž„ ព្រះអាទិករដើម្បីឱ្យយើង បានយល់ទាំងអស់គ្នានូវអត្ថន័យនៃពាក្យដែលដើរ តួរយ៉ាងសំខាន់សំរាប់ឲ្យមនុស្ស ទទួលយល់ព្រម ស្គាល់ របស់ឬ ពាក្យណាមួយជាមួយគ្នា។ នៅពេលដែលយើងឮ ពាក្យថាព្រះមនុស្សម្នាក់ៗ បានគិតសំដៅ ភ្ជាប់ទៅលើព្រះដែលខ្លួនស្គាល់ឫជឿ ភ្លាមមួយរំពេចនេះជាការធម្មតារបស់ មនុស្ស ។ ឧទាហរណ៍ៈ បើប្រជាជនខ្មែរសំដៅយកព្រះពុទ្ធ បើអ៊ិស្លាមសំដៅយកព្រះអាឡា បើ ប្រជាជនជ្វីសគេនិងសំដៅទៅលើព្រះយេហូវ៉ា ចំណែកឯគ្រិស្ទានសំដៅយកព្រះវរបិតា នៅពេលនេះយើងនិងនិយាយតែអំពីព្រះអាទិករ ឬ ព្រះអាទិទេពនេះមួយតែប៉ុណ្ណោះ ដោយពឹងផ្អែកទៅលើព្រះគម្គីរប៊ីប ឬហៅថាព្រះគម្គីរបរិសុទ្ធដែលបានរៀបរាប់យ៉ាង ក្បោះក្បាយពីរឿងបង្ករបង្កើតនេះ ហើយមានតែគម្គីរបរិសុទ្ធរបស់ព្រះមួយប៉ុណ្ណោះ ដែលស្តីអះអាងយ៉ាងច្បាស់ពីការបង្ករបង្កើតនេះ(លោកុប្បត្តិ ១៖១-- កាលដើមដំបូងឡើយ ព្រះបានបង្កើតផ្ទៃមេឃនិងផែនដី...) ។ ទ្រង់គ្មានឈ្មោះទេព្រោះទ្រង់គ្មានម៉ែឳដាក់ឈ្មោះឲ្យទេ ក្នុងភាសាហេព្រឺដែលហៅថា យ៉ាវ៉េ សរសេរជាយេហូវ៉ា នោះមាន ន័យថា “ អញជាព្រះដ៏ជាព្រះ” (ក្នុងគម្ពីរនិក្ខមនំ 3៖14) ដូច្នេះយេហូវ៉ា ឬ យ៉ាវ៉េ នេះបាននិយមប្រើជាឈ្មោះរបស់ព្រះទៅវិញឥឡូវនេះ។ តើព្រះយេហូវ៉ានេះមានមែនឬទេ? ព្រះទ្រង់ជាវិញ្ញាណ ហើយមានព្រះចេស្តាអស្ចារ្យដែលភ្នែកមនុស្សមិនអាចមើលទ្រង់ឃើញឡើយប៉ុន្តែវត្តមាន របស់ទ្រង់នោះមានជាក់ច្បាស់ណាស់ ព្រោះរូបអ្នកផ្ទាល់ដែលកំពង់តែអាន ឬមើលនេះគឺព្រះនោះឯងជាអ្នកបង្កើត ដូចជាខ្យល់ដែលយើងមើលមិនឃើញសោះ តែយើងបានរស់នៅដោយ របស់ មើលមិន ឃើញនោះ​​​​​​​​ឯង លោកអ្នក មិនអាចប្រកែកបានទេ លុះត្រាតែលោក អ្នកអាចរកព្រះដទៃណា មកជំនួស ដោយមានភ័ស្តុតាងជាក់ច្បាស់ត្រឹមត្រូវ ពុំនោះ ទេគឺទ្រង់នេះឯងហើយ។ -       ព្រះអាទិករ គឺជាព្រះយេហូវ៉ា គឺជាព្រះតែមួយអង្គគត់ដែលមានព្រះជន្ម គង់នៅអស់កល្បជានិច្ច ដែលមានគ្រប់ទាំងព្រះចេស្តា កសាងផ្ទៃមេឃនិង ផែនដី និងគ្រប់របស់ទាំងអស់ ព្រមទាំងមនុស្សយើងផង។ -       ទ្រង់បានដាក់ក្រិតវិន័យទៅលើគ្រប់របស់ដែលទ្រង់បានបង្កើត -       ទ្រង់បានបង្កើតមនុស្សក្នុងភាពពិសេសឱ្យដូចជាអង្គទ្រង់ ហើយផ្លុំខ្យល់ដង្ហើមទ្រង់ចួលទៅក្នុងមនុស្សដែលក្លាយជាព្រលឹងរស់ឡើង (ក្នុងគម្ពីរលោកុប្បត្តិ 2៖7- ព្រះយេហូវ៉ាដ៏ជាព្រះទ្រង់យកធូលីដីមកសូនធ្វើជាមនុស្ស ទ្រង់ផ្លុំខ្យល់ដង្ហើម ជីវិតបញ្ចូលក្នុងរន្ធច្រមុះ នោះក៏ត្រឡប់ជាមានព្រលឹងរស់ឡើង.)។ ទ្រង់បានប្រទានអំណាចឱ្យមនុស្សត្រួតត្រាលើសត្វមានជីវិត និងព្រៃព្រឹក្សា ទាំងអស់នៅលើផែនដី ថែមទាំងប្រទានសេរីភាពដល់មនុស្សក្នុងការជ្រើស រើសទៀតផង។ -       ទ្រង់ជាម្ចាស់ស្ថានសួគ៌ ហើយក៏ជាដំណាក់របស់ទ្រង់គង់នៅផង។ -       ទ្រង់ជាព្រះដែលមានសេចក្តីស្រឡាញ់យ៉ាងអស្ចារ្យ (យូហាន ៣៖១៦- ដ្បិតព្រះទ្រង់ស្រឡាញ់មនុស្សលោកដល់ម្លេះបានជាទ្រង់ប្រទានបុត្រាតែមួយ ដើម្បីឱ្យអស់អ្នកណាដែលជឿដល់ព្រះរាជបុត្រានោះ មិនត្រូវវិនាសឡើយ គឺឱ្យមានជីវិតអស់កល្បជានិច្ចវិញ។) -       ទ្រង់បានលះចាកស្ថានសួគ៌មកយកកំណើតជាមនុស្ស និងនាងក្រមុំព្រហ្មចារីយ៏ឈ្មោះ នាងម៉ារី ជាជនជាតិ អ៊ីស្រាអែល ដើម្បីបង្ហាញពីវត្តមានរបស់ទ្រង់ ជាព្រះអាទិករ áž•áž„, បញ្ជាក់ពីព្រះចេស្តាដែលអាចអត់ទោសបាបឱ្យមនុស្សជាតិផង ដោយសុគត លើឈើឆ្កាងជំនួសមនុស្សមានបាប ហើយបីថ្ងៃរស់ឡើងវិញ។ អត្ថបទព្រះបន្ទូលនេះ សំខាន់សំរាប់ឱ្យមនុស្សបានស្គាល់ ហើយដឹងថា ខ្លួនកើតពីព្រះមក ហើយគឺព្រះយេហូវ៉ា នៅក្នុងព្រះគម្ពីរប៊ីប ជាព្រះអាទិករដ៏ពិតតែមួយ ព្រោះទ្រង់បានអះអាង បញ្ជាក់ហើយ សំដែងឱ្យឃើញយ៉ាងច្បាស់លាស់ណាស់ហើយ ក៏គ្មានព្រះណា ឬគម្ពីរណាទៀត អះអាងដូច្នេះ ឡើយ។ សំណួរ ៖ -       តើអស់លោកបងប្អូនមានព្រះនៅក្នុងចិត្តឬទេ? តើព្រះណាមួយ? -       តើព្រះអង្គនោះមានព្រះជន្មរស់នៅឬទេ? -       តើទ្រង់មានអំណាចអត់ទោសបាបឲ្យអស់លោកបងប្អូនបានឬទេ? -       តើទ្រង់មានដំណាក់ស្ថានសួគ៌សំរាប់អស់លោកបងប្អូនក្រោយពីពេលស្លាប់ ពីផែនដីនេះទៅឬទេ? -       បើគ្មានទេនោះ សូមទទួលជឿដល់ព្រះយេស៊ូវចុះ ទ្រង់មានគ្រប់ទាំងអស់សំរាប់ អស់លោកបងប្អូន   Â